Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Books on writing - what's your poison?

There's a maxim for writers - if you can't be writing, be reading. Why not take that a step further then, and read about writing? I've wittered on many times about the brilliance of On Writing: a Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King; I also have The Successful Novelist: A Lifetime of Lessons about Writing and Publishing by David Morrell and The Writing Book: A Practical Guide for Fiction Writers by Kate Grenville in my "to read" pile...

But what about you? What books on writing have you found useful? What would you recommend, and why?


  1. King, obviously. Everyone always recommends Robert McKee's Story, which is another good one. I'd also recommend Fiction First Aid by Raymond Obstfeld and The Plot Thickens by Noah Lukeman. Among others...

    Oh, and short but sweet: Elmore Leonard's 10 Rules Of Writing.

  2. Cheers Rol. I like Elmore Leonard's rules - for other readers, here they are.
